thanks to those who loved meyou made my heart biggerthanks to those who envied meyou made my self-esteem growthanks to those who caredyou made me feel importantthanks to those who worriedyou let me know that you careTHANKS TO THOSE WHO LEFTYOU SHOWED ME THAT NOT EVERYTHING IS FOREVERthanks to those who stayedyou showed me the meaning of TRUE FRIENDthanks to those who entered my lifeyou made me who I am today
dear 2010 :)
Bye 2010, with great amounts of love.
Do I want to change the year I had? Yes, but no. In honest fact, 2010 was a blur, it happened so fast. When I mean fast, I really mean fast. It seems like just last month that I was in Johore matriculation College., taking hayat course and building beautiful friendships with people that appreciated life, that had pure and honest hearts. I made new friends, that taught me, though not through their words but just through their way of life, how to live everyday like it’s your last. Those sweet moment when i did manage to get second place in Anggun Bergaya,Minggu Kemahiran Dinamika. Well,i luv kemahiran dinamika classes..with Mr Param..he's such an inspiring lecturer who makes me reveal my potential in speaking n what things exactly i had my interest in. i do miss him though :)
I fell in love for the first time. Opened up so much, stripping down all those layers that have protected me from feeling the pain from all the backstabbing and judgy thoughts directed towards me. And then I got my heart broken, and I never felt so naked - so exposed, so humiliated, so fooled. I questioned my faith in everything. I questioned my future and the ability for me to trust again, to put myself in the same situation if it ever presented itself again. Leaving me confused, I questioned my existence.
there is in my year was filled with disappointment. The amount of time I spent hating myself, crying to myself alone in my room simply for the fact that I didn’t feel as if I was enough for anyone, doubting myself. It was easier to feel sorry for myself, because pointing out the flaws I had was simple. Thinking about the qualities I actually liked about myself, now that was a struggle. It’s sad, I guess. That’s why I’m so bitter about this year ending and another beginning.
Last few weeks,there was one really bad news that yes succeed to bring me down..i never felt this before..suprisingly,the feelings are much more hurt than an heartbroken when i broke up with my ex-boyfriend..the worst feeling is when your loved one was diagnosed with cancer. The complete feeling of depression and utter helplessness that cancer brings is hard to battle. Realizing that there is nothing you can do for that person except verbal and emotional support.
Ayah..he uplift my spirit when life act cruely towards me,and i cannot imagine,what if he's not there fer me anymore.. :'( Ayah,please get well soon!! or shud i say,Ayah,dun leave me..adik tak mampu kehilangan ayah :'(
I feel like a chapter of my life is closing, but there a million more pages left in my book. Blank pages, waiting to be filled up, with memories that will never fade. Mostly good ones I hope.
I ask you, is there anything that should make me believe that 2011 will be different? Is there anything that will convince me that once the clock strikes 12 tonight, all the pain I felt, all the tears I shed, all the humiliation I’ve dealt with, will all be gone, never to return again? What is the point, really? We will wait anxiously, looking at the clock, waiting for it to hit 12, and then we will celebrate the arrival of a new year, having it in our heads that everything will be better, that we will live life differently with our new set of resolutions. But why? We’re all going to wake up tomorrow morning, still the same person. The only difference really, is the number at the end of the year. People use the new year as an excuse to change, people never change, not fully. A new start; you can have a new start anytime. You could’ve had one last month, or even 6 months ago. You could’ve become a better person, exercised more, contributed to the community more, worked harder, but no, you didn’t. In a way though, it's nice to have a resolution. You know, something you can work towards, but honestly, how many people actually keep up with their resolution? Not many. I bet you, next year in December, there will be a million people complaining about how they didn’t meet the resolutions they made.
So you ask me, what I want for the new year? Nothing big. Nothing materialistic, nothing academic, nothing miraculous. I just want to be happy. If I’m happy, the world will be my oyster (I never really understood that saying till now). If I’m happy, I can do anything I want to do.
Now all I need to know is, how I do be happy?
25 random things bout Kelly :)
someday, this pain will be useful to you. :)
believe it or not, there’s a strange beauty in pain; that beauty being strength and courage. although you may feel completely and entirely defeated, totally helpless, and utterly defenseless when you’re at rock bottom, once you slowly regain your self awareness, you’ll find strength and courage to rise above what brought you so down. your strength will come from facing your burden, and your courage will come from knowing why you felt the way you did and why you no longer need to feel that way. although experience will bring you pain and suffering, it will also pass - in turn, bringing you strength, courage, and furthermore happiness.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
orang tamak selalu true..mungkin bukan rugi sekarang,tapi suatu hari nanti mungkin? malam tadi,ada satu insiden yang mengguris hati saya..tiba-tiba mata saya terbuka. kenapa perlu menghalang orang lain untuk turut bahagia? walaupun bukan dengan kita? malam tadi juga,mata saya terbuka,dan saya nampak,sayalah orang yang tamak tu..sangat mementingkan diri sendiri..saya malu dgn diri sendiri..saya tak mampu untuk terus menipu orang sekeliling dan juga si dia..tapi kalau saya berterus-terang,dapatkah hati saya kuat untuk menerima kesannya nanti? mampukah saya melihat orang yang saya sayang sakit? things are too complicated now..and yes i can't wait to sleepover at Perwira n berada di sisi my BFF..i hope she can help me out from these dilemma :(
I've done more harm by the falseness of trying to please than by the honesty of trying to hurt~
live in the present,and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.. :)
When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
is this you?
No matter how beautiful your dreams are, you still have to wake up and face the REALITY
The problem with love is that you can love whoever you want, but so can they..
Don't keep a man guessing too long - he's sure to find the answer somewhere else
haiihhh :(
Lelaki perlu tahu yang perempuan:
- Sensitif : Bukan bermaksud suka merajuk, tapi hanya ingin bermanja dan mendapatkan perhatian.
- Cerewet : Bukan bermaksud FUSSY tak tentu hala, kadang ingin LELAKI mengikut kata-katanya sekali sekala.
- Halus : Ibarat sehelai sutera, cantik, mulus, lembut dan mudah tercarik dan koyak. Walaupun seorang wanita memaafkan seseorang yang lain atas sebab sesalahan, biasanya WANITA akan ingat kesalahan tersebut untuk disimpan jadi pengajaran. Bukan DENDAM.
- Ikhlas : Ikhlas seorang wanita tak perlu diragui.
- Korban : WANITA sanggup berkorban apa saja untuk seseorang yang amat disayangi, termasuk ibu bapa, anak-anak dan suami. WANITA amat tabah.
- Prihatin : Sentiasa memerhatikan keadaan sekeliling dalam diam.
- Manja : Walaupun dia adalah seorang WANITA yang pandai berdikari, naluri seorang WANITA masih lagi tetap seorang WANITA. Suka bermanja bukan hanya kepada insan yang bernama LELAKI , namun juga sesama kaum.
- Ego : WANITA yang terlalu sayangkan kekasihnya sanggup menolak ketepi EGOnya apabila bersemuka dengan yang dicintai.
- Cinta : CINTA pertama bagi wanita adalah yang paling dalam dan tulus.
- Seks : SEKs bukanlah segala-galanya buat WANITA kerana WANITA diciptakan dengan 9 nafsu dan satu akal. NAFSU yang banyak dan tidak tertumpu kepada satu saja. LELAKI pula dijadikan dengan 9 akal dan satu nafsu. Fungsi lelaki adalah membimbing WANITA dan bukan menghanyutkann ya.
“Peranan LELAKI dalam kehidupan WANITA adalah sebagai pelindung dan bukan sebagai pemusnah. WANITA diciptakan oleh ALLAH swt dari tulang rusuk kiri dan untuk dipeluk dan dimanja, bukan untuk dikasari. Maka lelaki haruslah memahami HATI dan PERASAAN WANITA”
Perempuan juga perlu tahu yang lelaki:
- Lelaki juga boleh menjadi seseorang yang begitu sensitif dan mengambil berat (prihatin).
- Jika seseorang lelaki meminati wanita, wanita itu tak semestinya cantik. Cukup dengan budi bahasa dan kesopanan yang tinggi. Malah lelaki boleh menyukai wanita yang mempunyai banyak persamaan dengannya samada dari segi pemikiran atau minat. Oleh itu, banyak yang boleh dibualkan atau dikongsi bersama.
- Kebanyakan masa, lelaki sebenarnya tidak mengetahui perasaan sebenar yang dirasakan oleh seorang wanita.
- Lelaki boleh menerima penolakan dengan baik.
- Lelaki cuba menonjolkan sikap kelakiannya untuk menambat hati wanita…
- Lelaki memang dilahirkan dgn perasaan yg kuat terhadap wanita..sebab itu mereka suka melihat wanita, menjeling wanita dan menonton Baywatch! Atau mencuci mata di tepi pantai atau swimming pool.
- Kebanyakan lelaki resah bila berhadapan dengan situasi ingin mengajak wanita keluar kali pertama!
- Lelaki cuba meniru gaya selebriti atau berlagak macho hanya kerana ingin memikat hati wanita.
- Bila lelaki cakap..”Emm. tengoklah dulu”..itu seringkali bermaksud dia berkata tidak atau kurang setuju.
- Bila lelaki cakap direct to the point dalam sesuatu hal, dia sebenarnya ingin bersikap jujur dan berterus-terang dan mengharapkan wanita memahami maksudnya.
- Kebanyakan lelaki yang nampak ‘desperate’, datang dari sekolah all boys!
- Adalah biasa lelaki cemburu terutamanya apabila perempuan asyik menyebut nama lelaki lain.
- Lelaki tak boleh belajar kesemuanya pasal perempuan dari library atau buku semata2. Oleh itu mereka selalu keliru dengan sikap perempuan..dan tak faham kenapa perempuan bersikap begitu begini…
- Kadang2 lelaki perlu mengetahui lebih mendalam tentang bagaimana berhadapan dengan perempuan supaya hubungan dapat berjalan dengan lebih baik.
- Betapa hebatnya lelaki itu bersikap romeo dan ‘flirting’ dengan ramai wanita..dia tetap hanya ada seorang teman wanita yang istimewa…yang lain hanya kawan..:)
- Bila lelaki tertengok dada wanita dan wanita itu menyedari…maafkan saja. Kebanyakan lelaki tak sengaja….Mereka merasakan kejadian wanita itu begitu indah!
- Bila sesuatu hubungan putus di tengah jalan, lelaki juga rasa bersedih..cuma dia tak menunjukkannya kesedihannya di depan orang.
- Bila seorang perempuan meminati seorang lelaki, perempuan itu patut bagi hint! Mana tau lelaki itu juga menaruh minat. Senang usahanya nanti…
- Adalah memalukan bagi lelaki jika tak berupaya menolong wanita.
- Kebanyakan lelaki cukup lemah dgn air mata perempuan. Mereka lebih tewas sekiranya air mata itu mengalir dari perempuan yg dikasihi. Sebab itu dikatakan air mata senjata perempuan.
Lelaki bukanlah sempurna 100%, walau bagaimanapun rupanya atau pandangan luarannya. Jadi, perempuan janganlah mengharapkan semua yang hebat dari lelaki! Mereka juga normal dan mempunyai kelemahan